My first troll! Yowser! Take a look at the comment left at this post by Susan. At least she was honest enough to leave her name!
But she obviously has issues. I hope she feels better dumping off some of that venom here at WE. Come on back anytime Susan, but maybe you could talk a little more politely next time...
Nate 10:52 AM - [Link] Say something...
Saturday, August 30, 2003
Atomic Sugar Daddys My new objects of desire!
First, apologies to all for leaving nothing new on these lonely pages for the past several days- after putting a beg for $$ out there to help me get some new skis for the winter. That was rude and I'm sorry. If I'm going to beg I ought to also be putting up something of interest to keep you coming back. And I'll try.
In the mean time, I went to some of the Labor Day ski sales yesterday. I went to Alpine Sports, just down the street from me and a place where I have bought much of the winter gear that shares the Wasted Electrons World Headquarters and gear closet. The demo Pocket Rockets that I used last winter are for sale- for $495! Yikes!
Later I went to another store and they had these Atomics on sale, 1/2 price or $600. But the skis are brand new, under warranty and have a very trick boot binding system that allows the ski to flex under the boot instead of just in front and back of the binding.
I did not yet put them on layaway but I really should and probably will if they are still there tonight. So if you kind readers wanted to show your love, a tinkle of a tip in my PayPal account would get these skis under my boots when the powder flies this winter.
But now its off to finish the fence project son Noah has been struggling with at the girlfriend's mom's place. It turned into something just a little too big for him on his own, so Dad's helping.
And it needs to get finished because he has an appointment with the Job Corp admissions folks next week!
Nate 10:03 AM - [Link] Say something...
Thursday, August 28, 2003
The Braden Files : You might be a teacher if...
Two of my sister-in-laws are educators, I wonder if they have seen this. I know they would agree with each of these statements. Check them out...
Nate 8:01 AM - [Link] Say something...
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
Ya know that just because its 79 degrees F outside right now its not too soon to be thinking about skiing season. And new ski gear too since the sales start Friday. And I still want a new set of powder skis, preferably Salomen Pocket Rockets the I lusted after last spring.
So, if ya'll could just be so kind to toss some cash into my tip jar I could put those pretty blue skis on layaway this weekend. Anything you can spare would be appreciated and I'll think kind thoughts all winter while I'm playing in the powder.
Nate 4:07 PM - [Link] Say something...
Family slams kidnap case From the Salt Lake Tribune
State officials have violated the parental rights of Barbara and Daren Jensen by court ordering their 12-year-old son to undergo chemotherapy, family members said Tuesday at a small rally in front of Scott M. Matheson Courthouse in Salt Lake City.
"They have been snowballed," said Robert Jensen, Daren Jensen's father. "They never had a chance to present their side at all."
Prosecutors say the Jensens made their case in Utah's 3rd District Juvenile Court and should have appealed if they disagreed with court orders instead of fleeing the state with their five children.
Daren Jensen and his family, from Sandy, went to Pocatello, Idaho, after a judge in Utah's 3rd District Juvenile Court ordered his cancer-stricken son to be placed in state custody on Aug. 8. Prosecutors filed kidnapping charges against Daren and Barbara Jensen on Aug. 15 when they could not be located.
Doctors from Primary Children's Medical Center and representatives from the Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) say the boy, referred to in court records as P.J., has Ewing's sarcoma, a deadly form of bone cancer.
Family members said Tuesday that the tests were inconclusive and the Jensens are not convinced their son has cancer. They are worried unnecessary chemotherapy could leave their son sterile and stunt his growth, according to Ray Howes, Daren's uncle.
Police have not located Barbara Jensen, who is believed to be with her son. Daren Jensen and the other children are staying with Barbara's father, who is a Pocatello chiropractor and a practitioner of alternative medicine.
(My highlight.)
Here's another fine story of misguided folks from behind the Zion Curtain. The story is disturbing to me and particularly the picture that accompanies the article. I strongly resent the use of children to promote a parent's viewpoints and to make a pretty photo op. No five year old girl should be put in the position of being the poster holder for a parent's ill-formed opinion. At least in this case the parent did spell all the words on the poster correctly but its still wrong.
And while I have strong feelings about what parent's rights are in regard to their children, I think that society has imposed changes in acceptable behaviour between parent and child, mostly for the good. Running away from state agencies and going into hiding does not seem to me to be responsible parenting. Its better probably to deal with the DCFS and the doctors and the judges to resolve this as amicably as possible.
I can tell you from personal experience that dealing with the DFCS people in your family's intimate life does cause serious stress. Its hard and the questions can be ugly and repetitive. It causes strong emotion when your parenting behaviour is put under the microscope and your integrity called into question. But sometimes it needs to be done and these folks are just hurting their entire family by running away.
Nate 8:50 AM - [Link] Say something...
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Dang. It appears that I got all that previous post spelled right. No hope for the punctuation or anything more complex!
Nate 10:37 PM - [Link] Say something...
Well apologies to all that might have stopped by, but I told you Todd was in town and that calls for lies in the backyard and too much to drink. All of which transpired tonight. And the Raptors lost to Casper 11-9 after the Raptors went ahead in the first inning and scored 3 more in the bottom of the 9th! It just ain't right!
So its too late to relate any more except to say that my hiccups are killing me! And Dad called tonight. Carol is into her 2nd dose of chemotherapy poison and doing ok but not loving life right now. I hate that she has to suffer through the chemo all the way until Christmas. And the concealed carry gun that I hoped he would loan to me isn't a very concealable firearm and so I'm still needing my own.
So. If you folks would be so kind to hit the tip jar, repeatedly, I'll be able to afford a concealed carry firearm to secure my family. I will post later, its too complicated tonight!
Nate 10:34 PM - [Link] Say something...
Monday, August 25, 2003
Well dangitall anyway. Its already after 10PM and I haven't told you anything about this past weekend. And a fine weekend it was with a trip to the amusement park, the hot air ballon festival and the open air veggie and fruit stand.
But its too late tonight to really get into any of it. And tomorrow is a a tour of the Clearfield Job Corp Center with son Noah and perhaps it will be sign up day for him too. This is plan B BTW, while we continue to work on getting him accepted into the Coast Guard. Lots of red tape hurdles to leap so we might as well get him started in another honest and respectable direction.
There's also meetings tomorrow and my buddy Todd is in town for a couple days business which usually means some eating, drinking and lying late into the evenings. And maybe a baseball game tomorrow night too.
Good night!
Nate 10:20 PM - [Link] Say something...
I've not forgotten you; I've just been busy this morning and the connection to the net has been tenuous as well. There's paying work to be done so blogging will have to wait till later.
There is some good news today though; the Lt is home from the sandbox! Thanks for a job well done Lt.
Now I must go deconflict a number of appointments I've scrambled.
Nate 11:57 AM - [Link] Say something...
Saturday, August 23, 2003
Yahoo! News - Child Molester Geoghan Killed in Prison
Gee, who could have seen that coming?
Nate 3:19 PM - [Link] Say something...
Friday, August 22, 2003
Hey Anonymous! Come on back will ya? I haven't had a comment from you this week, ever since the power outage through WE off the air last weekend. And you don't have to be shy either. We're all friends here so you needn't worry. Nobody ever throws anything here at WE and the company is usually fairly subdued.
So come on in, pull up a comfy chair, have a beer and a sandwich and we'll get better aquainted.
Nate 10:29 AM - [Link] Say something...
Thursday, August 21, 2003
Egyptian Jurists to Sue 'The Jews' for Compensation for 'Trillions' of Tons of Gold Allegedly Stolen During Exodus from Egypt
From Little Green Footballs, which you should be reading every day- if your blood pressure can stand it...
Heh. Barking Moonbats want to sue "all the Jews" for the gold stolen during the Exodus! read the whole thing, its rich!
Dr. Hilmi: "Since the Jews make various demands of the Arabs and the world, and claim rights that they base on historical and religious sources, a group of Egyptians in Switzerland has opened the case of the so-called 'great exodus of the Jews from Pharaonic Egypt.' At that time, they stole from the Pharaonic Egyptians gold, jewelry, cooking utensils, silver ornaments, clothing, and more, leaving Egypt in the middle of the night with all this wealth, which today is priceless."
Question: "It is clear why they stole the gold, but why the cooking utensils?"
Hilmi: "Taking posession of the gold was understandable. This is clear theft of a host country's resources and treasure, something that fits the morals and character of the Jews. Yet what was not clear to the Egyptian women were the reasons for stealing the cooking utensils, when other things may have been of greater value. However, one of the Egyptian priets said that this had been the Jews' twisted way throughout history; they seek to cause a minor problem connected with the needs of everyday life so as to occupy people with these matters and prevent them from pursuing them to get back the stolen gold...
Question: "What do you think is the value of the gold, silver, and clothing that was stolen, and how do you calculate their value today?"
Hilmi: "If we assume that the weight of what was stolen was one ton, [its worth] doubled every 20 years, even if the annual interest is only 5%. In one ton of gold is 700 kg of pure gold ? and we must remember that what was stolen was jewelry, that is, alloyed with copper. Hence, after 1,000 years, it would be worth 1,125,898,240 million tons, which equals 1,125,898 billion tons for 1,000 years. In other words, 1,125 trillion tons of gold, that is, a million multiplied by a million tons of gold. This is for one stolen ton. The stolen gold is estimated at 300 tons, and it was not stolen for 1,000 years, but for 5,758 years, by the Jewish reckoning. Therefore, the debt is very large?
Question: "Is a compromise solution possible?"
Hilmi: "There may be a compromise solution. The debt can be rescheduled over 1,000 years, with the addition of the cumulative interest during that period."
I notice he did not make mention of repayment being due for the long line of donkeys... This story just floors me. What dumbasses!
Nate 10:10 PM - [Link] Say something...
NOTE: May not be work safe! My network's filters jumped all over the link... Your results may vary.
Steak and BJ Day Mark your calendars tonight! Do NOT fail to mark this one in BOLD on the calendar for next year! Set your watch, program your PDA, do whatever you must do to remind yourself...
No. Wait! You'll need to find a way to ensure the feminine half (or quarter or third for you polygamist types) of your relationship remembers this important date.
This is almost better than Eat an Animal For PETA Day!
And its right during spring ski season too!
Nate 7:01 PM - [Link] Say something...
Better now. Much less cranky. Looking at jet powered firetrucks helped!
And an update, it seems the Standard-Examiner is still requiring you to register. I visited there today and it was just like previous visits with a request to log in. Maybe it was broken or perhaps the powers that be had it turned off for one reason or another. At any rate, I'll share my login with you if there's something to see.
New workload today. Its Night Vision related and a new effort for the european countries and hopefully it will not be a fairly quick program that does not tie me up for months and months.
My friend Lisa is retiring from the USAF in October and is looking for work. She's doctoring up her resume this afternoon and then I'll forward it to my company for a position that is being advertised right now. She is perfectly qualified for the job as its listed so I would predict that she will certainly be asked to interview for the job. And it would be great if my puny efforts could assist her in her job hunt.
I think I need to go out and shoot my guns. That might make me feel better and cure my malaise...
Nate 2:30 PM - [Link] Say something...
World's Fastest Firetruck. found through Dave Barry's blog
Ok, this makes me feel better! You know how fond I am of excess power in vehicles, so how could this fire truck not cheer me up? Yeah Baby!
Nate 11:21 AM - [Link] Say something...
Crabby today. Grouchy. More curmudgeonly than usual. I did not sleep well last night and my attitude shows it this morning. I think I know the reason why but I'm not sharing right now. Blogging might be lagging until my attitude and humor improve. Go read some of the folks on my bloglist in the mean time, they're better reads than this puny effort anyway.
Nate 8:38 AM - [Link] Say something...
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
From a link at Kim du Toit's blog.
This is a very disturbing story. I may not be able to support this young man's defense financially but I certainly hope he gets good counsel and that his day in court is ruled with some overwhelming common sense.
Nate 10:26 AM - [Link] Say something...
Its Speed Week at Bonneville Salt Flats Maybe I should take Friday and go out there again.
Nate 7:08 AM - [Link] Say something...
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
Kevin over at Smallest Minority had an interesting, (ok, scary) story about the young woman Bridget Green who was supposed to be her class validictorian but instead failed to graduate because she could not pass the graduation exit exam.
I'm just appalled by this entire story. It is too scary that this girl was the best the school had to offer and even though she could not meet the standards she received A's and B's in her classes. And while I don't think that state required exit exams are faultless, there is a bigger problem here that should have been corrected much sooner in life.
Its a hard world out there in the real world Bridget!
Nate 11:14 AM - [Link] Say something...
This may have nothing to do with my repeated letters to the editors but the Ogden Standard-Examiner's webpage no longer requires you to have a login and password to read the stories! So now I can share my local news with you much easier and you won't have to feel guilty for using my shared login info.
I'm calling it a victory.
Nate 9:54 AM - [Link] Say something...
Ogden woman faces porn, sex charges
Tue, Aug 19, 2003 By MARK GRAY Standard-Examiner staff
OGDEN -- A 43-year-old Ogden woman was charged Monday with seven felonies after police say they discovered her in possession of a computer disk with more than 100 images of nude children.
Karma Monk was also charged for having sexual intercourse with two juveniles, as well as allowing them to view pornographic material at her home. Court records indicate the material was readily available in the house. The charges include sexual exploitation of a minor, two counts of unlawful sexual activity with a 16- or 17- year old, two counts of dealing in harmful material to a minor and two counts distribution of a controlled substance.
Eww! There's no picture but I can't help wondering what this woman looks like... My guess, she's ugly as a burned stump. Or just too lazy to find a real boyfriend that might not get her arrested!
Nate 9:49 AM - [Link] Say something...
I've added a WeatherPixie to WE today, just for fun. Maybe it will be a little more accurate in reporting the weather than the last reporter I tried. Pity I can't modify my pixie to make him bald and pudgy!
Nate 9:01 AM - [Link] Say something...
Well, real life and a movie got in the way of my return to the spacious WE world HQ and ski closet last night and so I did not get to do any further posting. I'm not going to write any movie spoilers here but if you've not yet seen How To Loose A Guy In Ten Days, I really recommend it. Yes its a chick flick but it is also laugh out loud funny! While it has been many, many years since I've been in the dating world, I could tell that the scenes played out in the movie were probably too true and a good reason not to be dating.
So, a: its a good thing I'm not dating and 2: watch the movie. Its funny and you will score good points with your partner for volunteering for a chick flick.
Later rent Basic, if you can stand John Travolta and like Samuel L. Jackson. Its a fine murder mystery, military suspense film with a lot of twists and turns and an excellent ending. I liked it and even the BSU claimed to enjoy it even though the plot turns made her brain dizzy from trying to keep up.
First weekend in a while that I've managed to rent a couple films that weren't real stinkers!
Nate 8:31 AM - [Link] Say something...
Well, real life and a movie got in the way of my return to the spacious WE world HQ and ski closet last night and so I did not get to do any further posting. I?m not going to write any movie spoilers here but if you?ve not yet seen How To Loose A Guy In Ten Days, I really recommend it. Yes it?s a chick flick but it is also laugh out loud funny! While it has been many, many years since I?ve been in the dating world, I could tell that the scenes played out in the movie were probably too true and a good reason not to be dating.
So, a: it?s a good thing I?m not dating and 2: watch the movie. Its funny and you will score good points with your partner for volunteering for a chick flick.
Later rent Basic, if you can stand John Travolta and like Samuel L. Jackson. It?s a fine murder mystery, military suspense film with a lot of twists and turns and an excellent ending. I liked it and even the BSU claimed to enjoy it even though the plot turns made her brain dizzy from trying to keep up.
First weekend in a while that I've managed to rent a couple films that weren't real stinkers!
Nate 8:25 AM - [Link] Say something...
Monday, August 18, 2003
Well its been another difficult day for blogging, busy at work and when I tried to get into the posting page it wasn't working. So maybe a little bit tonight if the systems stay up. But dinner first and probably some weed pulling. And both my hummingbird feeders are empty tonight so I better get those filled to avoid the scolding that 8 hungry hummers can dish out.
Nate 5:14 PM - [Link] Say something...
Sunday, August 17, 2003
Its back! WE is back from the void of nothingness caused by servers with no electricity. And its my bed time and I'm not staying up late to try to catch up. Sorry. Highlights tomorrow as time permits. And hopefully the comments will be back soon too. G'night.
Nate 10:07 PM - [Link] Say something...
Thursday, August 14, 2003
Well then, apologies to all for the lack of posting yesterday. Interestingly enough, my lack of fanciful rambling was noted by a couple of my regular readers and I've been chastised for it in private. I'll try to do better.
Yesterday wasn't a total loss though as I was reading other folk's work and leaving some comments here and there and swapping emails in a couple different directions.
I don't have time to lay out for you all the details of yesterday's conversations but I do want to tell you about an interesting development. A couple of days ago I posted a note to a proud mom to recommend to her son to consider the Chrysler Crossfire and that mom has left a number of comments in the box. She also sent me email a couple of times and we swapped ideas about her sons's desire for a Neon SRT-4 and whether he might prefer kart racing instead of drag racing and some related topics.
Later, Terry over at AOW HQ posted a link to a Ford Focus modification to install a real V8 motor and rear wheel drive where the front drive V6 normally resides. And I shared the link with this mom of the would-be SRT-4 owner and suggested she share the link with him.
Well, she did. Mom and son checked out the hot rod Focus pages then the Wasted Electron links and comments including my remarks about the Fast & Furious crowd with their rice burners and big noisy resonators and silly wings. Youngster took some offense to my F&F comments and didn't want to be considered part of that group though he admitted to owning his own copy of the movie...
Finally, after poking through the WE archives a bit with the young man, proud mom pointed him to the link to my web page where my pictures reside. Here the youngster (he's 23) discovered pictures of people he is related to...
Because the proud mom is the XSU and the young man is my namesake. And last night he got a chance to learn more about me through this blog and my pictures and comments and I hope he will be encouraged to stop back again on his own. And leave some comments refuting my F&F crowd opinions if he'd like...
Nate 8:22 AM - [Link] Say something...
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
OK, I give up! I put my colors back to the original template colors. Doing so wrecked a number of personalized additions like the spinning caffeine molecule. I was able to get that put back and the borders resized and most of the items centered in the left column. I've made myself cross-eyed trying to get the 3 remaining pieces to be centered instead of aligned to the left.
I'm tired and cranky and the Raptors are down by one run at the top of the 9th with their last bats coming up. But I think I'll read about it in tomorrow's paper.
Nate 9:45 PM - [Link] Say something...
Marine dies three hours after return from Iraq
Dang. This is a tough circumstance. I wonder if the wife got the timeline accurate though...
Nate 1:29 PM - [Link] Say something...
Mucking about with my template for a couple minutes this AM, obviously. I've removed the weather forecasts as some of you couldn't access the page because of them and I didn't love them anyway. And I've got the colors all dorked up again which will probably take me until tonight to get corrected into something more masculine. The current color is just a little too bright for me. Sorry.
Nate 10:43 AM - [Link] Say something...
Monday, August 11, 2003
Fire pictures as promised. And no movies because they were horrible. So just pictures... Fire breaks out above my house!
A retardant tanker makes a drop pass.
This is the smaller of the two choppers that came in to drop water.
One more tanker drop.
Nate 8:40 PM - [Link] Say something...
One quick post- To the proud mom of the new Chrysler mechanic and employee of the year...
Tell him to skip the Neon and get the Crossfire. I sat in one of these the other day and it is very cool!
More expensive than a Neon I know. But so much more style!
Nate 2:56 PM - [Link] Say something...
Back to work. So I've been busy today reading, sorting and throwing out junk emails. (I need to hire Chet away from Terry to manage my email...) But work is good and makes paying the bills easier so I must abide continuing in the service of my government handlers.
I've even been handed a new task this morning which should if I'm careful ensure my continued ability to feed myself and the familial unit. So I'll be digging into other people's activities and building graphs and charts and that type of fun stuff. It will get me out of my cube and talking to a number of other folks, one of whom is quite pleasant on the eyes so that will be a bonus.
So blogging will necessarily be lighter doing the work hours. Sorry.
UPDATE TO THE FIRE STORY- The helicopter continued all day Sunday dumping water on the patch of burned mountain that appeared to be fire-free by Saturday evening. Kudos to the firefighters for being so thorough I suppose.
Nate 2:50 PM - [Link] Say something...
Sunday, August 10, 2003
OK, no pictures or movies of the firefighters as promised earlier today. It was late when I go into the spacious Wasted Electrons HQ and ski closet and then some malicious little bit of software snuck past my firewalls and installed itself on my computer! dang thing added a new line to my IE toolbar and it was blinking and beeping and would not allow me to use any of my favorites.
But its fixed now. Thanks in no small part to the good folks at Lavasoft and their neat bit of freebie software called Ad-Aware. I ran it through, followed the instructions, deleted the files it found and my computer was functioning the way I want it to. Again.
Thanks Lavasoft! Now its bedtime. And an early 5AM wakeup as I have to go back to work... Rats! Pictures and movies tomorrow night. I promise.
Nate 11:07 PM - [Link] Say something...
Vacation's over - I'm back!
Blogging will return to its usual mundane quantities and qualities over the next couple days. I'll try to fill up some electrons with all the excitement of the past couple of weeks.
And there has been some excitement in my neighborhood, just yesterday. During the previous night there was a big thunderstorm with lots of lightening. As a result, the Forestry Service received reports of 40 wildfires, and one of them was on the mountain side right above my house! I happened ot be visiting Brian when I first spotted the fire fighting tanker airplane and its spotter plane flying down the mountain face. When I moved just a bit to see where they were going, the fire and smoke became obvious and the proximity to my neighborhood very apparent. So we headed to the house where we could clearly see the fire and the fire fighters efforts.
We set the lawn chairs out in the church's grass across from my house, brought out the cameras and binoculars and refreshment and spent a couple hours watching the fire fighters efforts. The big retardant dropping tankers made a number of passes dropping their bright red cargo, its quite spectacular to watch.
When they were called off to fight some of the other fires around the state then the finishing duties were passed off to two helicopters carrying water baskets on cables slung below. This was pretty dramatic stuff to watch too and we pretended to be Olympic judges passing critique on their accuracy with getting the water onto the fire. We went down to the irrigation reservoir just a couple blocks away to watch them refilling the baskets but due to the raised reservoir edges af the police lines we couldn't get any pictures of the baskets being filled.
Still those 2 choppers kept after the fire, making trip after trip, picking up water and delivering it up the mountain to the hotspots. On the news the reporters called the fire about 15 acres and no lives or property was ever endangered. But it was pretty exciting spectating!
I've got pictures and even a movie clip to show you but have to add them to my site first. And breakfast is ready so it will have to wait!
Nate 11:36 AM - [Link] Say something...
Saturday, August 09, 2003
Driver who nursed infant found innocent of child endangerment from
This story just really pisses me off! UPDATE: Here's another linkto the story with details of the court activity.
RAVENNA, Ohio (AP) -- A woman who belonged to an obscure religious sect was found innocent Friday of child endangerment for breast-feeding her baby while driving, but was convicted of three lesser charges.
Catherine Nicole Donkers, 29, was found guilty of violating child-restraint laws, driving without a valid driver's license and fleeing police while on the Ohio Turnpike in May.
Prosecutors recommended Donkers be sentenced to 30 days in jail and a $500 fine instead of the maximum one year in jail and $2,000. Judge Donald Martell said he would postpone sentencing to investigate Donkers "because I feel I need to know more about you."
Child endangerment was the most serious charge she faced.
Donkers, who represented herself, and her husband, Brad Lee Barnhill, belong to a religion they say requires Barnhill to be responsible for punishing Donkers.
"I called my husband, and he directed me to continue on, to drive to Michigan and nurse my child in the car. We did not feel we were breaking any law." Catherine Donkers
Donkers had said she did nothing wrong and was following her husband's orders.
"We are people who do not shirk from facing the consequences of our actions. I pray that this court respects my faith," Donkers said in closing arguments.
Donkers argued that as a Michigan resident, she was entitled under that state's child restraint law to breast-feed while driving, even though she was driving in Ohio when she was stopped. Child restraint laws in Michigan exempt nursing babies.
But prosecutor Sean Scahill said Donkers should be punished for endangering the child's life because the baby could have been killed even in a minor accident.
"She placed that infant between herself and the steering wheel, between herself and the air bag," Scahill said.
Donkers said Thursday that for a short time she took both hands off the wheel to move the 7-month-old girl while the car drove in cruise control at 65 mph.
"I don't believe there was any form of recklessness," she said. "I called my husband, and he directed me to continue on, to drive to Michigan and nurse my child in the car," Donkers said.
"It certainly isn't a primary choice as a form of feeding my child. I certainly had no intent to harm my child. I never would," she said.
Donkers and Barnhill -- who lack a marriage license but claim to be married -- belong to the First Christian Fellowship for Eternal Sovereignty, which has a history of challenging the government.
The organization, which pledges allegiance to Jesus Christ, was founded in Henderson, Nevada, in the 1990s. Barnhill says he is a minister in the fellowship, which has 650 followers.
State police had pursued Donkers for several miles on the northeast Ohio highway before she stopped. She insisted on speaking to her husband before cooperating.
Testimony from a state trooper said Donkers had what appeared to be a homemade Pennsylvania identification card instead of a driver's license.
So, she didn't think she was doing anything wrong, it never occurred to her to pull off the road into a rest stop to nurse, she decided it would be ok to put her baby between herself and the airbag and she didn't have a drivers license from any state but instead had a forged document in her possesion. Driving with both hands off the steering wheel was ok because her husband said so and by the way, we don't respect the states right to impose punishment; my husband will do that!
Dammitall! What kind of blockheaded dumbasses are these people? Its ok to drive on the states roads but we don't recognize the need for a drivers license... We think we can apply laws from other states to suit our fancy no matter where we live... How can stupid people like this be allowed out in public? I of course refer you to the quote at the top of the page...
And why in the hell was she innocent of the child endagerment charge? More dumbasses decided that!
Nate 8:38 AM - [Link] Say something...
Monday, August 04, 2003
Some of you might know that the USAF paid me for 18 years to be an aircraft scheduler. I worked in offices throughout the world that were all known as Plans & Scheduling. Also known as Dreams & Schemes by lots of folks that had to respond to the schedules I built. It was my job to build schedules, to forecast upcoming requirements, schedule them to be accomplished before becoming overdue and ensure that the documentation of the work was properly annotated when the work was done.
Its what I did. I was pretty good at it. I scheduled EC-135 and KC-135 aircraft, B-52 aircraft, the engines hanging on the wings of B-52s (all 8 engines per bomber), F-16s and enough munitions to destroy Baghdad again.
So imagine my surprise, after mentioning to each of you this morning, and in previous posts that tonight we were going to see Willie Nelson at the county fair to discover that the fair begins Wednesday! Not tonight! Wednesday! And the concert is sold out BTW, not that it matters because we will be camping 100 miles away on Wednesday. Geez did I feel like a dope!
Somehow, when I started talking to Renee about coming to Utah for her vacation I built a little schedule of things to see and do. And I looked at the fair schedule and the concert announcements and I decided that a concert should be on Monday before we left to go camping. Except I forgot to coordinate that plan with Willie and the fair organizers and all the little sparkly-dust sprinkled lambs and their owners that won't be there until Wednesday!
Dangitall! So, it might be, if she wants to go, that we will see the Raptors game tonight that was washed out yesterday. And its a double header tonight for the same reason.
But she's napping right now so I'll ask later. Just thought you should know I was stupid this week.
Nate 2:38 PM - [Link] Say something...
Ok, so Renee's vacation in Utah has been pretty wonderful so far. Or so she says. The weather has cooled into the 60s at night and while we have our morning coffee and hummingbird viewing and not terribly hot during the days. She is really enjoying the cool weather, I just wish I could take credit for it...
We even had a ferocious storm blow through yesterday while we were at the Ogden Dinosaur Park. Hail pounded down for a while forcing all the picnicers throughout the park to scurry to huddle under pavilions and covers everywhere. Fun to watch even though the backwards flowing drain finally forced us inside the museum to the rest of the exhibits.
Tonight we're going to the fair and to see Willie Nelson. So we have to get out this morning for tickets. There's a draft horse show that I want to see as well as all the animals in their pens that BSU enjoys so much.
Last night was a trip to the drive-in picture show, something Renee wanted to do again since she enjoyed it during her last trip. It was American Wedding and Bad Boys II that we chose. (You can find your own links if you like.) Anyway, neither of the women like American Wedding- at all. I liked it and laughed but I had seen the first two movies and knew what do expect. They hadn't, didn't and didn't care for it. Renee slept! Bad Boys II was about what you would expect from Will and Martin and there was lots of horsepower and things blowing up, so I liked it bunches. Renee slept... It might have been because of the beer we drank throughout the afternoon since the Raptors baseball game was rained out...
Anyway, I've got a picture or two. But I have to get them uploaded first, as I just realized. So hang on a minute...
Right. I'm back. For the toe porn lovers that are out there, Renee said I could post ths picture...
Those are her toes and I got to paint them myself! Here's a picture of Renee from the same time.
So, off the computer and outside for another glorious day! Posting will be even lighter as tomorrow we head off camping. I'll take notes!
Nate 10:52 AM - [Link] Say something...
Friday, August 01, 2003
Renee's here! She arrived safely last night and more vacation starts today. So blogging might just be even lighter than usual. Sorry. There might actually be some time in the mornings to do a little something if I get up earlier than the rest of the house.
Also I've added a couple new items, the current weather box and the weather forecast. Either or both may stay or go, I haven't decided. I wish I could resize the current weather box to the same width as the forecast but that's controlled by the provider of the service.
Anyway, a little feedback would let me know either of you think about the changes. Todd called in, he doesn't like the light blue background color so maybe I'll tweak it today.
Nate 9:00 AM - [Link] Say something...